These fish are primarily carnivorous, although mine did enjoy grazing on algae too. 2. 5 cm (2.0 in) Clown Killifish, rocket killifish. Next, you can add a small amount of your aquarium water to the bag. Provide flakes, live, and frozen foods. You can see that in the middle right of the photo, there's the gap, maybe about 3-4 mm wide. Alison Page has been an avid fish keeper for over 35 years and has owned many different species of freshwater tropical fish including bettas. Flex ). The Archer Fish is a tropical, schooling species that can live in brackish or freshwater. We interviewed Waldron by email on January 31, 2022. Chocolate Rabbit Snail. When youre happy that the fish are healthy, you can put them into your display tank. Fancy Guppies are great for beginners, and they need to be kept together. So what makes some fish easier to keep than others? How to Tell the Difference, The latest veterinarians' answers to questions from our database, Rabies in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Care Guide, Answered by Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, BVM BVS (Vet), How to Help an Abused Dog Recover 8 Tips and Tricks, Answered by Dr. Sharon Butzke, DVM (Vet), Beagle Pain Syndrome: Causes, Signs, and Care Guide. These fish are a shoaling species that should ideally be kept in large groups of at least ten individuals to prevent them from becoming shy and withdrawn. Jack Dempseys have a habit of rooting through the substrate, which can disturb plants, so we recommend using plant species that you can fix to rocks or driftwood. How do you keep a freshwater aquarium cool? These fish are naturally green but they have been bred to have a bright golden color with amazing shining scales. Food. Only having two fish and your tank gets cloudy and does not respond well to a water clarifier is a clear sign of Porks. The Family Poeciliidae includes mollies, platies, swordtails, guppies and even mosquito fish. For example, a few years back, I bought four beautiful dwarf gouramis and put them into a quarantine tank. Something else to know is that these fish are not great for beginners. We'll also cover the most important tips you need to know about setting up a great aquarium for your platy community, so read along to the end for that. Free Shipping on live fish orders of $300 or more at checkout. And once your fish is comfortably adjusted into your home aquarium, they do best with a 50-percent weekly water change for ultimate health and happiness. When fed a good quality diet and kept in the right conditions, these fish will spawn readily. Tanks & Aquarium Kits. You can read an in-depth article at this link, which explains how to care for a freshwater aquarium. Plants and decorations should be rinsed in tank water containing antibacterial treatment to kill off any nasties and then added to your main aquarium. These gorgeous fish with their patriotic coloring feed on a diet of live foods, including white worms, brine shrimp, tubifex, frozen meaty foods, and tropical flakes. Betta fish are a great option for new fish keepers because they can be kept in just a 5-gallon tank, although they need a filter and a heater. Its hard to look past the amazing discus fish though. picked up someone's old tank collection today. In this article, we are going to look at the 30 most beautiful freshwater aquarium fish and provide pictures so you have an idea of what these fish will look like. pH: 6.5-8. The honey gourami is another cool fish with a peaceful nature. Austin, Texas 78750. Fish can be affected by quite a wide variety of illnesses, just like us. If you have a particular fish in mind that isnt on this list, go for it. The Swordtail Fish has reached the heights of popularity because it is a peaceful swimmer and is quite a hardy fish and, therefore, easy to care for in a minimum 20-gallon tank. The type of tropical fish you should get will depend on a few factors including aquarium size and level of your experience. Flowerhorn cichlids have amazing colors and their most distinctive feature is the large bump on the top of their heads. Aquarium City. Lindsey Stanton. Eric Isselee/ These fish have amazing colors and the most beautiful fins to match. We have been providing freshwater fish to aquarium and pond enthusiasts in the continental U.S. for over 20 years. Electric Blue or Powder Blue Jack Dempsey, Rocio octofasciata, brings an incredible pop of bright blue color to any setup. Angelfish are easy to care for, but they need a pretty big tank. Male Bettas have very showy fins and a torpedo-shaped body. Cloudy water. The iFish Store is proud to offer a great selection of freshwater aquarium fish and freshwater invertebrates. GloFish danios are just about the brightest freshwater fishes that you can get! Feed your fish a mixture of algae-based flake foods together with frozen and freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tubifex. The tank is 40 gallons and the stand is metal. Larger tanks are also more stable than smaller tanks, so if in doubt, pick the larger tank. These big cichlids need a very large tank with plenty of space for swimming and shoaling. If your Koi betta will tolerate other fish in his kingdom, he will be happier physically and mentally, which helps to keep stress at bay. These freshwater fish are our personal favorites. Temporary close for In-Person shopping, Local Pick-up and Curb-side pick . You can keep an eye on their health during this time and treat them individually if they show any signs of illness. Some can be solid, but others have spots, stripes, or striations. Like many other cichlids, the Redhead Cichlid can be very aggressive, especially the males. Our experts build uniquely designed freshwater, saltwater, and reef aquariums for the home or office. Fancy Guppies come in many morphs and patterns so you can always find one that is gorgeous. In fact, these cool black and orange rasboras are one of the smallest fish in the aquarium trade! 792. Otherwise, these fish will stay in hiding most of the time. The best way to solve this problem is to keep your fish tank in a cool, air-conditioned room or to use an aquarium chiller or cooling fan. In our opinion, the Cherry Barb is a very underrated fish when it comes to color and beauty. 84. r/Aquariums 16 days ago. We hope you enjoyed the list of our favorite cool fish species. If youre just starting out, go through this list carefully and get to know each item. . Fundulopanchax gardneri. While these kits contain the basic accessories most beginner fish tanks need, there is more fun to be had in choosing your own plants , rocks , colored substrates . It loves to hang out in densely populated plants, and the blue and red coloration truly pops against the green plant background. In the meantime, here are a few basic pointers so that you know what youre taking on. We dont know exactly which freshwater fish is the smartest, but goldfish are probably close to the top of the list! If you do decide to breed from your Checkerboard Discus, you should use a separate breeding tank, as this species can become territorial during breeding. X1 Large Water Cow Goby Fish 5" - 9" Each Freshwater OUT OF STOCK. The incredible variety of fish in the aquarium trade is what makes this hobby so much fun. In fact, a tank full of African cichlids can look just like a saltwater reef tank! We carry monster fish, plecos, cichlids, discus, angelfish, even guppies and much more! Youll need to perform a partial water change regularly to keep your nitrate levels down, and this is a great time to clean your glass, suck up waste from the bottom of the tank, and perform any other maintenance tasks. Unlike other freshwater fish on this list, this one has a very long and stocky body. Picking the Right Tank Size. Freshwater fish come in just about every color, shape, and size. The substrate should be soft and sandy to accommodate Threadfin Acaras habit of sifting through the substrate for food scraps. Use an aquarium magnet to clean algae from the glass, remove dead leaves, and trim plants as required. You should provide just enough food for the fish to finish in a minute or two. This list of representative aquarium fishes will help you with tropical fish identification. We specialize in rare hard to find exotic aquarium fish as well as more common species. This species of freshwater fish is recognized among the trendiest fish for an aquarium. Compose your group with a ratio of one male to two or three females. The Guppy is a popular breed among new aquarium enthusiasts, because it doesn't need too much special knowledge, to care for it. The betta fish is hands down one of the coolest freshwater aquarium fish in the hobby. Livebearers: Swordtails, Guppies, Mollies, Platies, Variatus There are 4 families of freshwater fish that are considered livebearers. We dont spam. You never know if the new fish you bought is sick, and of course, you dont want to introduce any illness to your existing aquarium. pH: 6.5 - 8. If you dont like one of the fish on this list, just dont get it! Your aquarium should also have a tight-fitting hood because most fish are surprisingly strong jumpers! These tropical fish are highly social, so pick up a group of at least 6. These large fishes are best known for their habit of shooting down insects with a jet of water. The discus fish is one of the most sought-after home aquarium fish in the world because they have such bright colorful patterns and such a unique body shape. Water Temperature: 76 - 82F. These fish prefer a shady habitat with lots of dense covers and subdued lighting. provide flakes/pellets, live/ frozen foods, Diet: Omnivorous. Custom Aquariums works with our sister company, Serenity Aquarium Services, to provide installation and maintenance services on all our freshwater commercial aquariums. Peaceful fish are always the safest bet when putting together a community tank. The Rainbow Kribensis is just one example. They the smaller cousin of the Cardinal Tetra. Size matters when youre choosing a freshwater fish tank. There are lots of different varieties, colors, and tail forms to choose from, too. These fish have black lines over their yellow body and a pink belly with orange tips. Related Read:16 Best Tank Mates for Flowerhorn Cichlid. Provide plenty of open water, too, as these fish like to hang out in the midwater area of the aquarium, creating a breathtaking display of shimmering color as they shoal together. Celestial pearl danios have beautiful colors, and the males in particular are very attractive. Glass catfish are very social animals and its important to keep them in a group of at least 6. That adaptation enables the fish to come out of the water for short periods to look for food on land, although they must remain moist. They can be pretty shy around larger species, however, so keep them in a species-only tank or with other very small fish. That said, you should also supplement that diet with flake foods and algae wafers. I have these in one of my tanks, and they are my personal favorites. Mark has been featured in two books about aquarium keeping both best sellers on Amazon. Paradise Fish are great for beginners, but they can be aggressive. It also has black spots, and the males tend to be darker than the females. Factoring in the physical space needed to keep your fish is a good starting point, but take your time to research their care too. These fish are not the easiest to keep healthy, and for that reason, we dont recommend them to beginner hobbyists. The gold barb is a stunning little schooling fish that should be kept in groups of 5 or more. A: Again, I suggest that a betta fish would be the best choice of a cool fish for a beginner. The females arent very bright and are often brown or gray. Each species grows to a different size and has different care needs, so be sure to research the specific needs of your rainbow fish before bringing them home. Celso Margraf/ Thank goodness I did! Water temperature: From 64 to 75 Fahrenheit. #13. The African Butterflyfish has large pectoral fins that resemble those of a butterfly, hence the fishs common name. The bigger the school, the better. Arguably the most colorful tropical fish. These are large, carnivorous predators that need a large tank to accommodate them. Tell us all about the fish that you think deserve to make the list in the comments box below. These shrimp come from the Sulawesi region of Indonesia, where they live in two ancient lakes where water conditions are unique. Dont be intimidated by all the options though, theres a fish species on this page for any fish keeper! Remove the fish from the bag using a net and carefully put them into the tank, discarding the water in the bag. Most archerfish are actually brackish water fish, so youll need to look for freshwater species like the small-scale archerfish if you have a freshwater tank. All fish are backed by our 100% Live Delivery Guarantee. The males are especially bright. This allows for ASD to promote items that are more effective to promote via Amazon versus selling on this site due to shipping costs, the vendor's choice to only carry through Amazon, or order minimums. About 3 days later it came back. The Checkerboard Discus is a relatively new variety of the ever-popular Discus fish. Most of the fish species that we included in our list are suitable for beginners, and many make a great addition to a peaceful community tank, so we reckon that theres something for everyone here. It is best to test your water before you buy your fish. 29. You do need a large tank for these guys that has plenty of hiding places, including plants, rocks, and driftwood. These carnivorous fishes are brightly colored with blue to yellow body coloration augmented by brilliant orange stripes and spots. These peaceful community fish are very easy to care for and breed, which makes them ideal for beginners who want a really colorful fish. It can take a few weeks for a healthy colony of beneficial bacteria to build up in your filter media, so take this time to do as much research as possible into the needs of the fish youre going to buy. American Flagfishes thrive in community tanks and even in small outdoor ponds, preferring dense planting and cover provided by floating plants. 1621 - 1621 of 1621 Results. The colors are completely natural and produced through genetics, rather than artificial dyes, so the color does not fade. The issue with Clown Loaches is that they are sensitive and require so much space. Founded in 2010. Its best to have one male and one female per tank. Good tank mates for Hillstream loaches are White Cloud Minnows, Celestial Pearl danios, and Zebra danios. Start the filter. Archer fish are carnivores, so they are not safe to keep with smaller fish. All of them are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, tolerance for conditions in the aquarium, peaceful nature, convenience for life, and modest size. If you want any fry to survive, provide a spawning box or dense floating plants. Show Filters . Whether you are shopping for a planted freshwater aquarium, a marine fish only tank or a saltwater reef tank, our aquarium experts will help you pick the perfect fish tank at factory direct prices. Social Media: Below you will find FishLore's freshwater aquarium fish profiles with care information and pictures on some of the most popular freshwater fish species. Substrate. SOLD OUT. 1 / 4. Betta (Betta splendens) Betta fish are some of the prettiest freshwater fish available in the aquarium trade. Due to their distinctive shape, behavior. 5. This fish has a very heavy body and a huge head. These fish are very skinny and small, but they have many color variations. Dont be shy! Killifish are very interesting because of their appearance. Provide dried foods, live/frozen foods, vegetables, Diet: Omnivorous. This fish is best for intermediates, but you shouldnt have multiple Jack Dempseys together or pair them with other aggressive fish. The Hillstream loach uses its sucker mouth to cling to rocks or spends much time rummaging through the stream substrate for scraps of food, including algae, insect larvae, small worms, and the like. Youll love watching a school of neon tetras hang out in your freshwater tank! 6 5gallons, 27gallon, 30 gallon and a huge box full of filters, lights, air pumps, heaters and some decorations! Zebra danio. Here's what you can expect from The iFISH Store: High Quality Fish / Low Pricing / Fast, Low Cost Shipping / Superior Customer Service Care level depends on factors like: Temperament is very important when choosing an aquarium fish species. They are very active yet peaceful, and they only need a beginner to properly care for them. Some aquarium fish are much easier to keep than others, and beginners should always choose fish with easy care requirements. The biological part of the filter system contains certain species of beneficial bacteria that process the harmful substances that are released during the decomposition of fish waste, uneaten food, decaying plant matter, and general detritus. These fish are surface hunters, streamlined and equipped to glide through the air over short distances when necessary, either to escape predators or catch prey. The Flowerhorn is quite aggressive and is not suitable for life in a peaceful community tank, as they will eat invertebrates and smaller fish species. These gorgeous little fish need a tank thats densely planted, and that has a stable environment with very good water quality. Provide the Ghost Glass Catfish with plenty of caves, coves, and hiding places, as well as abundant dense planting. Youll need to remove some water from the bag as you go to prevent it from spilling out into your tank. Bettas are quite hardy, can live in a small tank, and can be kept with a few small, peaceful fish or inverts. Finally, try to find fish that enjoy the same dietary requirements and share similar preferences when it comes to habitat. Danios. Celestial Pearl Danios are peaceful schooling fish that do well as part of a community with other good-natured fish of a similar size. "Black Moscow"), Males and Females, Aquatic Arts Bred! Once you are sure that all the decorations are just the way you want, fill the tank up to just under the rim of the tank, leaving a gap of 1 inch (2.5 cm). Zebra fish grow to only two inches, and their hardiness makes them a staple in home aquariums. Q: What is the best combo for a colorful freshwater fish tank? The detachable adapter does not need to replace the whole fish light even if it is damaged which avoids waste. Fancy goldfish are not as easy to care for as you might think, however, and they definitely wont be happy in a bowl. Even though youre super-excited about buying your new fish, dont just tip them straight into your tank! Clownfish. Tankarium is reader-supported. With our fast, friendly customer service and best prices in the industry, we will help you find the fish tank of your dreams. These captive-bred danios are available in super-bright red, green, orange, blue, and purple. These active little shrimp are a vibrant red color, covered with a display of brilliant white spots. Give these fishes plenty of swimming space in a long aquarium, and you will create a jaw-dropping spectacle. Your freshwater aquarium is an enclosed ecosystem that needs careful maintenance to ensure that the environment is healthy for the inhabitants. Golden Wonder Killifish are carnivores, eating most live foods, including tubifex, white worms, and brine shrimp, and they will also accept some frozen and flake foods. Pay attention to the care level required before getting too excited about a species. Bettas can come in just about every color you can think of, which makes them very stunning. The fish is named for the American flag, having alternating red and creamy green stripes running horizontally across its body and sparkling scales that are reminiscent of the stars on the flag. Lets get started and run through the basics of what youll need! A sole male Betta may be a great choice for you if you live in an apartment and dont have the space for a 30-gallon aquarium. Feed these omnivores a diet of cichlid pellets, flake foods, and frozen bloodworms, ocean plankton, and tubifex. Learn more. At The iFish Store, our mission is to provide you with healthy, thriving fish that are ready to be acclimated into your . 13. Check out our infographic, and dont forget to share! If you want a Discus, know that these are schooling fish, and you need many in one school. Oscar Fish also have dark colorations, but they are absolutely stunning. Plants: Anubias, Swords, Ferns, Moss, Asst. These unique fish have bright red bodies with black fins and a black tail. The Sulawesi shrimp is one of the coolest head-turners in the hobby, especially for invertebrate fans. Most aquarium fish can be fed with commercially made dried foods like flakes, pellets, granules, and wafers. Lets sort out exactly what it means for a fish to be beautiful. Males display brighter colors. Today we prefer to enjoy these wonderful pets for their beauty and personality, so its important to keep just one betta fish in the same tank. Males need to be kept separately because they are aggressive. If you want to have multiple fish in your aquarium, the Betta is not a great choice. This makes them super easy to breed, even for beginners! I have fed tropical flake food and before this happened just a couple pieces of Tetra blood worms. . Dcor. $ 118.53. x1 Piraiba Catfish Manitoba Sml 1" - 2" Each - Freshwater Fish Free Shipping $ 443.54. These peaceful carnivores can be kept in a community of other large fish, but they do best in a same-species setup where they can pair naturally. The question is this. Whenever you go to pick out a beautiful freshwater fish, there are several factors you need to consider. Popular Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species. So, here are our 29 favorite coolest freshwater aquarium fish that any hobbyist would love to have in their collection! Mollies. Fancy goldfish are classic aquarium fish that make amazing pets. That said, you do need an efficient filtration system and you must keep the tank clean, as Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis will become stressed if conditions deteriorate. . Water Care & Fish Health. Peacock Gudgeons are peaceable in nature, settling in well in a community setup, biotope, or planted tank. The 30 Most Beautiful Freshwater Aquarium Fish, 16 Best Tank Mates for Flowerhorn Cichlid, 10 Best Peaceful Fish for Community Tanks. Many fish keepers do not have a decent, aquarium supply store nearby, but thats no reason not to get started in this wonderful hobby. There are many different dwarf gourami breeds, including the beautiful powder blue gourami and the colorful flame gourami. Your aquarium should be biologically mature, with slow water movement and efficient filtering. Black Ghost Knifefish, Apteronotus albifrons, comes from South America and is one of the most graceful aquarium fish in the hobby. In our opinion, every fish is beautiful in its own way, but some fish may look more beautiful in the home aquarium than others. From their unique body shape to their feedings and breeding, there's much more to cover. These peaceful sociable fish make a great addition to a large tank but are not the easiest to care for, so we recommend that only experienced hobbyists take on this species. The Cardinal Tetra is another, very similar species. From Discus to Cichlids to Catfish to Rainbow Fish, we make it easy to find the fish that are right for your needs. A: When choosing a selection of cool fish for a freshwater tank, its not just a matter of what colors look best! Oscars, mollies, cichlids, goldfish, and betta fish are on the list of fish that have the most personality. As their name suggests, their bodies are shaped like a disc, which makes them look very unique against other freshwater fish. The Koi betta is also known as the Marble betta and is essentially a color morph of the familiar and universally popular betta splendens. I think their small size and extra hardy nature make them a great beginner choice. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. We seek to promote and sell equipment that works and understand that sometimes these will be products we do not carry so we are happy to part folks in the right direction :). These shoaling fish are ideal for aquarists who would like to put together a small aquarium with live plants. They school with groups of six or more. Once your tank is set up, you need to keep it clean and well-maintained. Easy to care for with plenty of varieties! We only recommend these stunning freshwater fish for advanced fish caregivers. These fish come in a variety of colors and patterns, including black and albino. For freshwater fish, specifically tropical ones, the temperature should be between 72 . It's always a good idea to research a fish before you buy it. So let's get started! German Blue Rams do not need to school, but its a good idea to have two per tank. Showing 1-25 of 1260 results. Provide flakes/pellets, live/ frozen foods, Diet: Omnivorous. 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